
Ode to Desire
Based on a poem of the same name CLICK HERE to read...
The emphasis in regards to individual emotion and the way they can be perceived by others has always fascinated me. Not only because I feel as though emotions are the number one current, always present and thrashing in my life; always responsible for determining the courses of my days. But it has also always been what I have been drawn to. Whether it be songs where lyrics are composed of ballads dedicated to great loves or sorrows and movies that leave me balling and heaving by the end credits. I have always searched for and soaked myself in emotions because it has taken my entire life to learn how to accept and embrace them. Initially it was through fictional works and media that pertained to the well of my heart. Byronic heroes I would swoon over (Mr. Darcy and Kylo Ren were a notable two) or it came through my fascination with whimsical worlds crafted by Bulgakov and Carroll. Worlds where the devil could crash on earth for the sole purpose of messing with humans or where white rabbits served as guides in Wonderland. The art of translating wonder and curiosity into novels or translating the cries of your heart into crafting characters that catered to your desires was a discovery that cured the discomfort within me. The discomfort of feeling alone with all the emotions that were always abundant within me. I was inspired by the byronic heros I had swooned over my entire adolescence as well as the female counter parts in these stories that were my scapegoats. Through my photography series and poem, "An Ode to Desire", I wanted to create a visual for these feelings and fascinations.
Click here for character profiles: Willhelm Pengaldy & The Girl
Models Gor Gevorkyan & Lilit Davtyan